Sunday, January 23, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
I Reviewed Mass Money Makers For YOU
My Review of Mass Money Makers For YOU
So, Mass Money Makers is just about to launch and it seems to like that everyone is on board.
I am sure that you will receive like ten more emails about it, but I got a sneak peek at the product, and want to give you my review about mass money makers.
So, what is Mass Money Makers ?
It’s based on a simple concept that works (and works well)…this concept is what allows us to rank on 1st page of Google within two to three weeks for just about any keyword out there…
…then we take those same rankings and get them to build massive (really massive) lists…which in turn are piped through “mass money funnels” and the end result is money.
Simple, yet very powerful. Indeed it is, and that’s why they’ve simplified it into four core videos that are 2 to 3 hours each, where they break down everything in minute detail.
Can you get any better then that?
So in the end, I vote for Mass Money Makers. It’s a great product, that really works.
If you’ve been looking for a way to make money online, then you really need to get in on it before the launch is completed.
When they first opened the doors, they said the software would be limited. I just got an update from them and as of now they only have 17 spots left!
I highly recommend that you get your hands on this software right now!
Mass Money Makers? GO here:
Got it!
Are you on the LIST?
* Dan Kuschell
* Alex Malave
* Andrew Fox
* Big John
* Bill McRea
* Bryan Winters
* Casey Gentles
* Charles Kirkland
* Chris Cobb
* Chris Freville
* Cindy Battye
* Corey Lewis
* Costa Dedes
* Craig Davidson
* David Chamberlain
* Dean Holland
* Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst
* Driven Profits
* Gabor Olah
* Gary Ambrose
* Gary McGeown
* George
* Herschy (jeff Schwerdt)
* Ian Ross
* Imran Sadiq
* James Yii
* Jani Ghaffor
* Jason James
* Jason Parker
* Javan Robinson
* Jeff Dedrick
* Jeff Paul
* Jonny Andrews
* Jordan Hall
* Justin Blake
* Justin Michie
* Kevin Young
* Kieran
* Marc Horne
* Mark Lareau
* Mark Ling
* matthew marcus
* Mike Auton
* Mike Litman
* Oli
* Peter Lenkefi
* Ric Thompson
* Rob Benwell
* Saj P
* Steve Iser
* Steven Johnson
* Tim Bekker
* Alok Jain
* Desmond Ong
* Jimmy Kim
* Reed Floren
* Michael Glaspie
* Mitch Mauldin
* Adam Spiel
* Sean Clark
* Kyle Battis
* Tellman Knudson
* Shawn Casey
* Aaron Darko
* Adeel Chowdhry
* Kieran Gill
* Paul Walker
* Scott Marlow
* Dylan Loh
* Eric Rockefeller
* Jit Uppal
* Merlin Holmes
* Michael Beeson
* Linda Miller
* Paul Liburd
* Alan Magliocca
* Alex Goad
* Alok Jain
* Alvin Huang
* Andrew
* Andrew Hanson
* Anik Singal
* Antonio
* Bobby Fitzpatrick
* Bobby Walker
* Brad Callen
* Brent Coppieters
* Brian Johnson
* Chad Kimball
* Chris
* Chris Fox
* Chris X
* Craig Beckta
* Craig Davidson
* Craig K
* Dan Brock
* Daniel Turner
* Dave Guindon
* Dave Lovelace
* David Chamberlin
* Desmond Ong
* Devon Brown
* Edmund Loh
* Emil Paz
* Eric Louviere
* Eric Owens
* Erik Stafford
* Ewen Chia
* Fabian Tan
* Frank Rumbauskas
* FreeAffiliateInsider
* Gauher
* George Brown
* Greg Wood
* Harris Fellman
* Heri Rosyadi
* Hitesh Juneja
* Hoang
* Hollis Carter
* Howie Schwartz
* Huey Lee
* Ivan Georgiev
* Jack Humphrey
* Jack Sinclair
* James J Jones
* Jamie Lewis
* Jared
* Jason Deiboldt
* Jason Dinner
* Jason Gazaway
* Jason Moffatt
* Jason Gazaway
* Jay Stockwell
* Jeff Czyzewski
* Jeff Johnson
* Jeff Mills
* Jeff Vecek
* Jerome Chapman
* Joe Russell
* Joel Peterson
* John Denton
* John Hostler
* Jonathan Ledger
* Jonathan Mizel
* Jorg
* Justin Blake
* Justin Brooke
* K.K. Maybel
* Keith Baxter
* Keith Wellman
* Kevin Wilke
* Kirt Christensen
* Kris Mainieri
* Kris McCarty
* Kyle Kirschbaum
* Lanty Paul
* Letian Lu
* Luke Kendall
* Marc Goldman
* Marc Lindsay
* Mark Joyner
* Mark Shay
* Matt Benwell
* Matt Gill
* Matt Trainer
* Matthew Carter
* Melford Bibens
* Michael Copeland
* Michael Edwards
* Michael Jones
* Michael Sampson
* Michelle McPhearson
* Mike Merz
* Mike Woo Ming
* Mitch Maultin
* Mo Latif
* Nate Hopkins
* Omar Martin
* Patrick Coffey
* Patrick Kennedy
* Paul Counts
* Paul Ponna
* Phil Mansour
* Rick Davies
* Ritoban Chakrabarti
* Robert Grant
* Roy Oron
* Russell Brunson
* Ryan Allaire
* Sataya X
* Sean Clark
* Shane Purcell
* Shaun Smith
* Simon & Jeremy
* Stephen Pierce
* Steven Lee Jones
* Tim Donovan
* Tom Bell
* Vince Tan
* Willie Crawford
* Winter Valko
* Zac McGrath
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Google magic formula
(That's YOU)
Yep, you heard right. It's not a fair fight at all. Think about it...
Google makes money with ads, right?
Okay, so they have a vested interest in you buying more ads, and in you paying more
for the ads you buy. Right? Hey, that's just good business. Google sells ads, and they
want to sell lots of 'em for top dollar.
I can't blame them. I want to sell my own stuff for maximum profits, so I can
understand where they're coming from.
But consider the poor, ignorant AdWords novice who slaps down a few hundred bucks
to see what this AdWords thing is all about. He has no idea what he's in for. What
he'll get is a severe beating at the hands of a multi-billion-dollar corporate behemoth that will reach into his bank account and drain it bone dry.
And here's the really unfair part... he won't have any stinkin' clue why he didn't make money.
Not a single idea.
Sure, it could be because his ad stunk, or because his market's saturated, or because whatever he's promoting with his ad smells like week-old fish. But it also might be because it's Tuesday and Google wanted to jack up their profits.
Google simply doesn't explain what's really necessary to kick AdWords butt. Why should they? They make truckloads (literally billions of dollars) off of the ignorant.
You Could Make A Killing!
There are people out there right now making $100, $200, $500, or even $1,000+ with AdWords every single day of the year. That's right, 365 days
a year, including Christmas. For them, it's Christmas every day.
There's only one reason for that...
It's not because they're geniuses. I know some of these people, and they're no brain
surgeon, let me tell you.
It's also not because they're doing anything against the Google (or Yahoo, or MSN)
terms of service. They're not breaking any rules, and they're not "cheating"
in any way.
And it's not because they're "connected" at Google. I'm certainly not, and I'm robbing Google blind!
They know the formula, the secret code that tilts the entire PPC equation in their favor. It's almost unfair.
These people know how to force Google to send them exactly the traffic they
want, for pennies per click, and without having to worry an ounce about any
so-called competitor.
In fact, they scoff at competitors!
They whip out the big nasty gun and blast any competitors to smithereens. And they
do that in any niche they pick.
And here's the shocking part...
They do it at light speed. There's no "let's ramp up slowly for a year" with these guys.
They charge the beach and mercilessly slaughter their competitors before they even
know what hit them. It takes them only days to dominate a niche, and within weeks they're pulling in four and five figures a month.
And they do it again, and again and again.
It's all because of what they know... and that knowledge gets them past the fear, the sluggish starts, the bank account crippling "runaway" campaigns. They don't have
the frustration you have, and they never have a negative ROI on their campaigns.
You see, their reality is different from yours...
The Google Magic Formula...
That Google Definitely
Wishes You Didn't Have
After wandering around in the dark with no clue why
PPC was only taking money from me instead of giving
me some, I finally unscrambled the code.
Google Magic Formula tells you exactly what I figured out, so you don't have to go through the pain I did (and if you've already experienced some
pain, you can stop!)
Google won't be able to fight you, and you can stop sending them the lion's share of what you make from
your ads. It's time for the $100+ profit a day that you thought was a myth...
- You'll get advanced strategies that are good for 2008, not the tired old stuff
that doesn't work for PPC anymore. - I'll give you the insider secrets that let you manipulate Google's own
formula to obliterate your competition. - Finally you'll know how to leverage Google's traffic to transform yourself
into a Super Affiliate... and watch the big bucks roll in.
nothing anybody can do to stop your profit juggernaut.
PPC can be a gold mine, and Google's AdWords program is one of best known PPC
engines there is.
Download Google Magic Formula Now!